The current systems don't showcase your work coherently, nor do they give employers a chance to browse prospective clients by their evidenced experience. Our approach is to give you the space to display your abilites to speak for themselves while allowing hiring crews to find the perfect fit for their company via a directory of published portfolios.
PORTFiXiO has separate a login for authenticated employers looking to utlize the platform to find their next employee, while also having a login for users looking to setup their own porftolio site to be seen by the world and networked professionals.
On the user end of the PORTFiXiO platform users can use an assortment of basic templates to create their PORTFiXiO site. Premium members can even go as far as creating their PORTFiXiO site from scratch with HTML and CSS.
Authenticated employers can search PORTFiXiO for the employee that fits their needs. Search for key terms, users, job titles, and more to view PORTFiXiO sites of published users. Professional networking up until now has allowed a hiring manager to know only so much about a candidate, but now the evidence speaks for itself with PORTFiXiO sites. No longer do employers need to be trusting of a post of text claiming experience.
I am Jesse Williams and I created this webpage as a project for my capstone course of Digital Media Innovation.Yeah, this app doesn't really exist, but you can check out what other projects I have created and might be working on at my own personal website.
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